[Virtual] Smart Cities: Improving Health and Wellness through Digital Technology

Wednesday, June 08, 2022
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

The City of Philadelphia’s smart city technologies are crucial for a modern, thriving, world-class city that meets our residents’ most pressing needs. Optimizing technology with the health of residents as a priority will impact wellness outcomes across the city for the better, reduce costs dramatically, and promote economic growth.

In the third program of our Smart Cities series, we invite you to join a conversation among experts, including Mark Wheeler, Chief Information Officer, City of Philadelphia. Topics will include how digital technological systems can be optimized and leveraged to improve residents' well-being between doctor visits, how real-time responses to health crises can be enabled, and how the interconnected health and wellness goals of communities across the city can be supported.

The Chamber’s Smart Cities series focuses on the City of Philadelphia’s smart city technologies that improve quality of life, increase efficiency and sustainability, and improve resource equity.

Speakers to Date
Chris Dallas-Feeney, PhD, Senior Vice President, AmeriHealth Caritas
Edgar Stach, Director, Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities, Thomas Jefferson University
Megan Vesely, Managing Director, Accenture
Mark Wheeler, Chief Information Officer, City of Philadelphia

This Event is Closed


The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia strives to create an inclusive and equitable environment for all. If you have a disability and require accommodations in order to fully participate in this event, please contact us here at least three business days in advance of the event. You will be contacted by someone from our staff to discuss your specific needs.

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Ticket/Seating Policy:
Tickets are held at the door under company name. Reserved seating for tables purchases only.


Contact Andrew Fink at afink@chamberphl.com


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