Our world as we know it changed dramatically during the past several months. In mid-March the Department of Homeland Security issued new guidelines to mitigate the spread of travel-related cases of coronavirus in the United States. A small number of American airports were designated as “funneling airports,” permitting the entry of people and products arriving from overseas. Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) was not among them. The Philadelphia metropolitan statistical area is the eighth most populous region in the US; the second most populous region on the eastern seaboard; and the largest metropolitan area without approved air travel gateway status for transatlantic connectivity– a critical link to the US market. Join the British American Business Council of Greater Philadelphia and the international business community for a time sensitive report, current data, and a forecast of PHL’s status and re-designation as a funneling airport during the coming weeks.
Chellie Cameron, CEO, PHL International Airport; Gregg Caren, President & CEO, Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau; James J. Moses, Vice President, PHL Hub, LaGuardia, Boston, JFK and LaGuardia Operations & Premium Guest Services, American Airlines; Gary L. Tomasulo, Managing Director, Corporate Security, American Airlines; Stephanie Wear, Director of Air Service Development & Cargo Services, PHL International Airport; and Edgar Antístenes Vesga-Arias, Executive President and Chief Executive Officer, Philadelphia International Medicine will be our featured panelists. Sylvie Gallier Howard, Acting Commerce Director, City of Philadelphia, will moderate the discussion and lead the speakers through Q&A at the end of the program.
This timely virtual event is pertinent to all private and public entities operating across industry sectors involved in international travel, trade and commerce. Please join us to learn more about PHL’s status as a funneling airport; how it’s affecting Philadelphia’s connectivity to the world; and how it may impact your future operations.
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Sponsorship opportunities are available to fit a variety of goals and budgets. Contact torio@chamberphl.com for more information.