Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce
409 Hood Boulevard
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Main Contact: Mr. William J. Ferrara
Business Description:
Promoting Business in the Lower Bucks County Region The Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce is the leading organization dedicated to promoting business in the Lower Bucks County region. Consisting of over 1000 members representing small, medium and large business and professional firms, the Chamber services an area encompassing 22 municipalities in Lower Bucks County. In addition, we have over 6,000 active individuals representing those member businesses. Mission Statement: The mission of the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce is to focus on the advancement of its members through programs to EDUCATE on topics relevant to business, to provide opportunities to NETWORK, and to ADVOCATE on areas impacting business. Vision Statement: Our vision is to be the essential investment for every business in the area! As a business organization, LBCCC provides an outlet for businesspeople to network with others through our monthly Business Card Exchanges and Keynotes. We offer educational opportunities, such as Sharpen Your Edge seminars and the Leadership Bucks County program, to educate and inform our members. Through our partnership with SCORE (Counselors to America’s Small Business), Chamber members can learn how to write a business plan, become their own boss and succeed as a small business owner or entrepreneur. SCORE is a volunteer organization consisting of members with many years of business experience with offices housed in the Chamber building. SCORE members provide free, confidential counseling in every aspect of owning a business including the areas of finance, sales, marketing, and much more. By becoming an active Chamber member, you can work to grow your business. The more involved you are in the Chamber, the more people you will meet, the more relationships you will develop and the more business contacts you will make. This definitely translates into a return on your investment.
Business Type:
Business Information:
- Established in 1958
- Member Since 2023