Conversion Technologies International, Inc.
1120 Route 73
Suite 410
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Main Contact: Mr. Larry C Skinner
Business Description:
CTI provides a service for Accounts Payable Departments that removes the burdensome task of receiving paper and emailed invoices from vendors. By using CTI as a service, you can expect to extract all the relevant data from the invoice with a minimum 99.95% accuracy and a huge reduction in cost with a 24hr. turnaround of processed invoices into you AP system. We scan and digitize any media type and convert information to various industry-standard formats to allow quick retrieval and multiple-user access to your most valuable asset – your documentation.We scan paper for all industries and applications across all markets.. We offer cloud and on premise document management systems as well as stand alone data capture solutions and document scanners.
Business Type:
Business Information:
- Established in 1993
- Middle Market Company
- Privately Owned
- Member Since 2006
Open House Showroom Event
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 12:00 AM
Posted on 10/20/2015 by Ms. Jessica Champion of Conversion Technologies International, Inc.
Document Management Open House - CTI
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:00 AM
Posted on 12/2/2013 by Mr. Ro Kathuria of Conversion Technologies International, Inc.